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How to add a PDF or Video to an article

Learn how to add PDFs and videos to your help articles

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Add a PDF to your article
Add a Video to your article
What won’t work

Add a PDF to your article

You can use /embed on Notion to add your PDF’s link. This will embed your PDF in the article and it’ll look the same as it looks on Notion.
Make sure to host the PDF somewhere else and use that link here. Directly uploads don’t work.

Add a Video to your article

You can use /embed on Notion to add your Video’s link. This will embed your video in the article and it’ll look the same as it looks on Notion.
You can resize it by dragging and resizing on Notion.
Make sure to host the Video somewhere else and use that link here. Directly uploads don’t work.

What won’t work

If you directly upload the PDF or Video on Notion, it won’t work on Buildfast. Please make sure to host the PDF or Video elsewhere and use that link.
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