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Host your blog on your custom domain or sub domain

Learn how to host your blog on your custom domain or sub domain

Table of content
1. Copy the subdomain
2. Add your own domain in custom domain settings
3. Locate your domain's DNS settings
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Don’t do this! Following industry standards, You should host the blog on sub folder or path of your domain for better SEO. See the articles on how to host on sub path
It's rare to host blogs on a subdomain. Initially, you'll use a subdomain set up by you (e.g: To shift it to your custom subdomain on your own website later, follow these steps.

1. Copy the subdomain

Copy the subdomain your blog is available on e.g

2. Add your own domain in custom domain settings

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Go to settings and click on get Started to enter your desired domain.
Add the custom domain you want to run your blog on.
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3. Locate your domain's DNS settings

Using Cloudflare as a reference, the process is similar for other providers.
Add a DNS Record with these values -
  • Type: Choose CNAME
  • Host: Type in the domain you choose in step 2
  • Value: Type in the subdomain from step 1
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