How to add custom url to your Articles
Learn how to add a custom slug to your blog articles. You can do this to override the default slug, especially if your blog title contains characters which don’t make good looking urls.
Default url behaviour
By default, all blogs get a generated url according to their title.
So a blog named “How to cook a banana 10 ways” would become “/article/how-to-cook-a-banana-10-ways”.
Problem with diacritical/ non Latin languages
When we get diacritial alphabets, they are replaced with a space then we see something like this happening-
Title: "Comment préparer une crème brûlée délicieuse"
URL: "/article/comment-prpare-une-crme-brle-dlicieuse"
Title: "Cách làm phở bò truyền thống Việt Nam"
URL: "/article/cch-lm-ph-b-truyn-thng-vitnam"
And for non-latin languages, since browsers only support latin alphabets, we cannot create any kind of url, we default to using the page id.
Title: "寿司の作り方と歴史について"
URL: "/article/---7f8e9d2a-b5c3-41f6-8d7e-0a9b32c15d84”
Using custom URL
As a solution to all of these, and a general good to use addition, we have added support for custom urls.
If you duplicated our template and created your blog before 25/02/2025, then you’ll need to manually enter the
field to all three of your template tables.Older templates
For older templates -
- Go to your connected Notion template.
- Go to
table, and click on the [ … ] menu next to the New button. This’ll open a menu. From this click on theProperties
menu item.

- From the Properties menu, click on
+ New Property
. Add a new property namedCustom_url
IMPORTANT: Make sure the field name is exactly
otherwise it won’t be used. Make sure it’s type is text(it’ll be text by default.)
- That’s all. Repeat this process for the other two tables too -
- Now whatever you add here will override the default url for your article/category/author page.
Newer templates
If you have created a blog after 25/02/2025, then you don’t need to do all this. We have already added this in our new template!
Make sure to Regenerate all pages from your dashboard for your changes to reflect.
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