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How to Internally Link Sections of the same Article

See how to link sections of the same article from within.

Published on February 26, 2025
Creating internal links between articles is a beneficial practice to provide readers with easy access to related content, thereby enhancing their reading experience. Notion facilitates this through a feature known as 'Link to Page', allowing you to create internal links effortlessly. This guide will walk you through the process of internal linking articles within Notion.

Open the Article

Choose the article you wish to edit by clicking on it. This will open up the article page, allowing you to edit its contents.

Copy the block’s url

FInd the block/section that you want to link. When the link is clicked the page will scroll up or down to this section on your blog. Open the block’s settings by clicking on the left side button.
Click on Copy link to block.
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Create the link

Select the text which you want to create the link on. On the menu that appears, click on Add link.
Paste the link that we copied from the block before into here. That’s all, now this will be rendered as a link to the section.
notion image
NOTE: Go to the Dashboard and Regenerate All  to Sync the Notion changes with your Blog
NOTE: Go to the Dashboard and Regenerate All to Sync the Notion changes with your Blog
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