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How to create Private Pages

Learn how to make private pages, which will not be linked/visible anywhere on the blog site.

Default Pages

By default, all published Articles are shown on the home page and relevant Author and Category pages. If you have turned your sitemap on, then by default they are all on the sitemap as well.

Creating Private Pages

If you want gated content or a completely private blog, then you can make your blog password-protected. This blog would now only be available to people with the right password.
However, if you just want some pages to be hidden from the blog, then you can use our private pages feature.
If you duplicated our template and created your blog before 7/03/2025, then you’ll need to manually enter the
Make_private_page field to your template’s table.

Older templates

For older templates -
  1. Go to your connected Notion template.
  1. Go to Articles table, and click on the [ … ] menu next to the New button. This’ll open a menu. From this click on the Properties menu item.
notion image
  1. From the Properties menu, click on + New Property. Add a new property named Make_private_page
    1. 🚨
      IMPORTANT: Make sure the field name is exactly Make_private_page otherwise it won’t be used. ✅ Make sure it’s type is Checkbox. By default it’s type will be text.
      notion image

Newer templates

If you have created a blog after 7/03/2025, then you don’t need to do all this. We have already added this in our new template!
Make sure to Regenerate all pages from your dashboard for your changes to reflect.

Private Pages in Sitemap

If you have your sitemap turned on, then by default they are visible in the sitemap.
This is done so that you can enjoy the SEO benefits of the page, and allow it to be ranked while simply not having a link for it on your main site.
If you want this to be hidden from the sitemap as well please tick Do_not_index as well.
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